ExcelinEnglishLTD prepares your child for success!


Welcome to the site, my name is Thomas, and I'm a professional English teacher living and working in Shenzhen China. This site is for those who wish to help their Children improve their English skills. It doesn't matter what your age or current level of ability are, as I have 17 years experience as an English teacher. Let me help you improve your English, and I promise you won't be disappointed.

Find out what it's like to have a real English teacher helping helping your child learn English, one who was educated and trained to teach. You will be surprised at how much more your child learns when taught by a professional teacher from America, whose job before coming here was also that of a school teacher.


I take great pride in my work, and design all my own lessons and lesson plans. I rarely use text books, because text books are made for the masses, not the individual. In creating my own lessons and materials I am essentially writing a text book, one that is for your child, and only your child. Imagine writing an entire text just for one child over the course of a year of tutoring them. It's a lot of hard work, but it's really the only way to teach a single student most effectively, and that is what you are paying for after all, so that is what you will get with me.

It is not simply lessons that I design individually, but styles of teaching as well. We are all different, and we all have different ways of learning. This is why you want a professional teacher teaching your child, and not just anyone who happens to be a native English speaker. Teaching is more then just a skill, it is a science as well, and to do it well you need proper education and training. Without that training, no matter how much talent a person might have for teaching, they will never be able to do the job very well. I have that training and experience.


I live in central Shenzhen, and will travel "anywhere" within Shenzhen for my students. Where "you" live will not change the cost of the class, the fee is the same,no matter where I must go. I am a dedicated, professional teacher, so where ever you may live does not matter. Hence there is no need to ask where I might live, hoping to make it more convenient for me, I come to you, so my private locale is not important.

Class Length

All classes are one on one, and I offer classes of 1 hour for kids 5-6, 1.5 hours, for kids aged 7-10, and 2 hours for kids 11 and up. All classes except for the one hour come with a 5 minute break in the middle to make it more manageable for the kids; there is nothing I do not consider when creating lessons. Of course the choice of class length is yours, the above lengths are what I recommend so your child gets the most out of their English education.


My philosophy is to keep it simple, or the KISS principle, which stands for "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID". This means that, no matter what, keep things simple. You see many people, lacking proper education or training in teaching, will resort to making everything they do overly complex, to hide their lack of knowledge and teaching ability. A good teacher knows that the best way to teach is to keep things simple. Simple is easy to understand, simple works, and the simpler something is, the less that can go wrong with it, while the more complex, the more that can go wrong. I spend all my time trying to think of ways to make my lessons less fancy, less complex, and easier for the student to understand. This is the opposite of what almost all native speaking English teachers in China do. Why? Because they are not real teachers, they are simply Native English speakers, capitalizing on the fact that they speak fluent English. 

I keep it simple, and know how to do so.

Another part of my philosophy is fun. It's important to have fun when in class, and a great sense of humor helps. I have this in abundance, and have learned, in my many years of teaching, to make lessons both fun and educational. It makes no difference what age you are teaching in this respect, if something is not fun, you won't want to continue doing it. All my lessons are fun, as well as highly educational. I also love what I do, which is infectious. If as a teacher you love what you are doing, the kids will also love what they are doing. Teach a child to love learning, and that is a priceless lesson.

In addition I teach students how to learn, helping them improve their focus, concentration, and self discipline. These skills will help them in every other subject they study.


You may call me if you like, or text message which is better, or email me, which is better still. My number is at the top of the page, and my email is ExcelinEnglishLTD@gmail.com

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are considering having your child learn English. After all, why hire someone only because they speak English, but whose university degree is in Economics, or Horticulture? The answer is you should not hire such a person. Hire someone who has the right education, and the right experience for the job.

After 17 years of teaching, with a Masters degree in both Education and English, you should accept nothing less when it comes to your child's education.

, Shenzhen | 13430614395

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